学校英文名称:Stella Maris Academy Of Davao
校 训:
The need to develop the Chinese Catholic Apostolate in Davao City was keenly felt by the late Archbishop Clovis Thibault, P.M.E., D.D. Davao City is a fast growing metropolis in the south, and needless to say, the Apostolate must run abreast with its rapid growth.
Encouraged by Archbishop Fr. Gaudiose Gagnon and other benefactors, the core group of the Davao Chinese Catholic Association made contacts, home visits and meets with the local Chinese community. Seeing favorable response from the said community, the Davao Chinese Kindergarten was organized in 1953. The school, which was then located near the Sta. Ana Parish Church, was entrusted to two Chinese Sisters: Sr. Chao and Sr. Yang. The school remained in the same parish until 1957 under the management of the two sisters.
In June 1957, the two sisters were called to other mission work. The task of running the school was offered to the Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate Conception (M.1.C.). The old school site was abandoned and found new accommodation in Our Lady of Good Counsel Hall at F. Torres St., Davao City. The fledgling school welcomed eighty-five (85) tots that school year under the new name Chinese Catholic Kindergarten with Sr. Marie Paul as the Directress.
In April 1958, the Prelature purchased a considerably more spacious lot in Bo. Obrero, Davao City and in the following year in September 1959 preparation for the construction of the new schooledifice was made. The new school site was blessed by Msgr. Thibault, P.M.E. in September 1960 and its construction started immediately on the following month of October 1960.
Msgr. Juan B. Velasco, Bishop of Chinese Communities blessed the new constructed school in June 1963 and the school changed its name to Stella Maris Academy of Davao. The construction was completed in August of same year. Sr. Theresa Martin, MIC, was the Directress.
Stella Maris Academy of Davao had its first high school graduation 1968, decidedly a banner year, basking in the glory of its fruitful labors. The years 1969 to 1977 were the years of expansions. The Parents-Teachers Association contributed greatly to the growth and the development of Stella Maris Academy of Davao.
The school was on her 25th year of service when the Hijas de Jesus took over its administration. The arrival of the Hijas de Jesus Sisters in 1977 marked another milestone in the development of the school, a period of even more rapid expansions. Their commencement of administration after the Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate Conception (M.I.C.), saw the completion of the high school building, construction of the additional wing for the elementary department which also houses the pre-school department and the construction of the Berrospe building (formerly the administration building).
The Sister Superior, Sr. Teresa Yuen, F.I. and Directress/Principal, Sr. Lilia Divinagracia, F.I. and adjoined with the generosity of the benefactors, Stella Maris moved forward in its educative mission. In the year 1987, Sr. Teresa Yuen, F.I. and Sr. Lilia Divinagracia, F.I. left for another educative mission in Cagayan de Oro City. The school was Ieft in the able hands of Sr. Rebecca Loreto, F.I. and Sr. ConsolacionRuy, F.I., as Superior and Directress/Principal, respectively, with more plans tor Stella Maris Academy.
As Stella Maris continues in its mission to provide Christian education to provide "academic excellence and human spiritual formation'', the whole educative community saw the need to evaluate the school and its Programs. The sell-evaluation process which served as a great incentive Ion the school to improve, preceded the preliminary visit of Philippine Accrediting Association of Schools, Colleges and Universities (PAASCU) granted the school a Level One status and enjoyed a de-regulated status from DECS.
Desirous of pursuing its Level Two accreditation status, the school community went further through the process of evaluation and re-evaluation of all pertinent academic areas, the implementation of various recommendations given by the accreditors, and was paid another visit by PAASCU accrediting teams from Manila.
It was in the year 1996 when the PAASCU granted our High School Department a Level II accreditation status for five (5) years that is until December 2001. After which, three (3) consecutive five (5) years of accredited status were granted to the High School Department This was granted by PAASCU in December 2002, May 2008, and May 2014. The department also received a Level III Accreditation status from the Federation of Accrediting Agencies of the Philippines (FAAP).
Likewise, the Grade School Department was granted Level II accreditation status for five (5) years on April 1997 until 2002. Through its effort for continuous improvement, the Grade School Department was granted three (3) consecutive five (5) years of Level II accredited status by PAASCU. These were given in April 2002, May 2008 and May 2013.
Our students have come and gone and we see with us now children of our former students, the same children who wish to have the same Christian education their parents have been recipients of.
The Stella Maris Academy of Davao continues to move forward to make concrete the vision of its founders which is the educative mission for the greater glory of the Father.